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Creating Your Profile
Creating Your Profile
Updated over a week ago


Creating a compelling and informative profile is essential to showcase your expertise and connect with aspiring athletes seeking professional guidance. This article will guide you through the process of setting up your profile on POD1UM.

Step 1: Personal Information

Start by providing your first and last name, your location, and your current time zone. This information ensures that athletes can identify and connect with you easily, no matter where they are located. Additionally, please include your phone number, which will remain confidential but allows POD1UM to contact you if needed.

Step 2: Unit Preference

Indicate your unit preference, whether you prefer Metric or Imperial measurements. This choice will help athletes better understand your workout plans and personalised services.

Step 3: Website and Social Links (Optional)

Optionally, you can include your website and social media links to offer athletes additional ways to learn more about your background and experience. This step is highly recommended as it builds trust and credibility with potential clients.

Step 4: Navigating to the Appearance Section

Once you have completed the personal information section, navigate to the "Appearance" section on your profile editing page. Here, you can customise how your profile will be presented to users.

Step 5: Select Your Field

From the appearance section, you'll find a drop-down menu where you can select your primary field of expertise. The options include:

a) Strength & Conditioning

b) Injury Rehabilitation

c) Sports Nutrition

d) Performance Psychology

Choose the field that best aligns with your area of specialisation and the services you offer.

Step 6: Choose Your Support or Specialist Area

After selecting your field, the next step is to indicate your specific support or specialist area. This step helps athletes understand the precise nature of the services you can provide within your chosen field.

Step 7: Availability for Gold Members

Your availability plays a crucial role in determining how athletes can access your services. If you are available for Gold members to access you for one-on-one coaching, please specify your availability & set an appropriate monthly fee.

Step 8: Write Your Professional Bio

Craft a professional and engaging bio that highlights your expertise, qualifications, and accomplishments. A well-written bio gives athletes insight into your background and establishes trust in your abilities.

Step 9: Upload a Cover Image

Select a high-quality and relevant cover image that best represents you and your training philosophy. This image will be displayed on your webpage and app page, so choose one that leaves a positive and lasting impression.

Step 10: Add Experience

After finalising the appearance section, proceed to the "Experience" segment on your profile editing page. Within this section, you can highlight the organisations or teams you are presently associated with or have had the privilege of working with in the past. Sharing your professional affiliations enriches your profile and enhances your credibility as a top-tier professional.

We suggest setting a high-quality crest or logo for each organisation or team entry. Ensure that the images are appropriately cropped to maintain a clean and professional look.

Step 11: Add Testimonials

After finalising your experience section, proceed to the "Testimonials" segment on your profile editing page. Within this section, you have the opportunity to showcase testimonials from athletes and coaches you've collaborated with. These testimonials play a vital role in establishing trust among potential clients, giving them confidence in the value of your content and services.

To maximise the impact of your testimonials, we advise uploading high-quality profile images for each one and ensuring that all images are appropriately cropped. A visually appealing presentation enhances the credibility of the testimonials and reinforces your expertise.

Step 12: Add Collaborators

[Pro feature] Once you have successfully added testimonials, navigate to the 'Collaborators' tab to further enhance your profile. Adding collaborators allows you to partner with your network of connections to promote your content or services. Collaborators may be athletes, coaches, organisations, or external collaborators.

When adding a collaborator, begin by selecting the appropriate type from the available options: athlete, coach, organisation, or external collaborator. Depending on the type selected, you will either choose from a drop-down menu (for athletes, coaches, or organisations) or manually provide the name for external collaborators. Additionally, for external collaborators, you have the option to include a link that will direct users to a specific destination when they click on the collaborator's profile image n the website or app.

If a profile image is not automatically added, you can upload your own image. To make a strong impression, we recommend using a high-quality image and cropping it optimally to maintain a professional appearance.

Once you have provided the necessary information, click 'Save' to complete the process. The collaborator is now successfully added and available for selection when publishing a listing. This feature enables you to showcase your valuable connections and affiliations, establishing further credibility among users on the platform.

Remember, we understand that navigating the platform may present challenges at times. If you require any assistance with any of the above steps, our dedicated team is always delighted to lend a helping hand.

At POD1UM, we are committed to empowering athletes and professionals alike, and our support team is here to ensure you make the most out of your profile and thrive on our platform.

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