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Enhance Credibility with Reviews
Enhance Credibility with Reviews
Updated over a week ago

Consumers worldwide trust reviews and ratings help them decide which products and services are good fits for them. So it’s important to gather feedback from your Athletes. The reviews and ratings of your course can act as a “social proof” to establish the credibility of your plans and content.

Why it’s critical

It’s critical to seek feedback from your athletes. It’ll help you improve your content & services, and gather good reviews and ratings over time. Request feedback and reviews directly, early and often.

If you’re just starting out, soliciting reviews can feel daunting or less important than marketing. However, reviews are essential to new content and new coach. So aim for 4–10 reviews to start with. It sets a good foundation for a new plan or service.

Request reviews and ratings

Here are some tips on how you can gather more feedback and review for your course.

  • Reach out. You can request for feedback and reviews via direct messages, most appropriate may be directly after responding to a support request.

  • Time the request. If you are planning to seek feedback during a plan, the best time is within the first 7-10 days. At this stage, athletes have had an opportunity to complete a number of workouts, yet the plan is still “new” to them.

  • Reinstate their importance. Remind them that their opinions are matter and will help you improve the content and services you provide.

Respond to reviews and ratings

Receiving your first 5 star review is exhilarating. We recommend you use these opportunities to engage with the athlete and learn. Respond appropriately to both negative and positive reviews and ratings. Here are some tips on how to best respond to various ratings.

  • Ratings above 4 stars. Address students by their name and say thanks. Recognise their effort as an athlete.

  • Ratings below 4 stars. Acknowledge any negative feedback and offer a positive solution such as a plan update or additional content. For example: “Thank you (name) for the review. Can anything be added or changed in the plan to make it better for you? Thanks again for the feedback.”

  • Star ratings without text. Ask the athlete for more specific information. Be friendly and remember that other users can see your responses. For example: “Thank you (name). You marked X and Y as not up to your expectations. Can you let me know what I can do to improve these parts of this plan for you?”

Use review and feedback to your benefit

  • Put positive reviews to work. Use them when marketing your profile or listings. Mention them in your emails, social media, and in the description of your plan landing page.

  • Use feedback and negative reviews to improve. If athletes repeatedly point out that something doesn’t work for them, consider adding content/information to the plan or adjusting your listing description to make it clearer. Respond to the review right away to let them know that you’re acting on their feedback.

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